Welcome to InWeS 2025

16th International Conference on Internet Engineering & Web Services (InWeS 2025)

June 21 ~ 22, 2025, Sydney, Australia

Accepted Papers
Why Would Citizens Continue using Chatbot Services?

Omar Hujran, Nuseiba Altarawneh, Statistics and Business Analytics United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, UAE


Until recently, scholarly focus on the post-adoption phase, specifically users continued usage of chatbot services, has been notably limited. Recognizing this gap in the existing literature, the current research endeavors to develop an integrative model. This model extends the theoretical framework of the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) by incorporating key constructs related to chatbot service quality and anthropomorphism. Both of these concepts are deemed crucial in influencing the continuance usage of chatbot services. As an integral facet of a broader research undertaking, the model will be empirically applied to assess citizens intentions regarding the continued use of chatbot services within context of the United Arab Emirates.


Chatbots, post-adoption, ECM, anthropomorphism, chatbot service quality.